ATTITUDE is not only 100%

Related Posts with ThumbnailsMany times we heard that ATTITUDE is 100 percent by doing simple math where A=1 ,B=2,C=3,D=4 ….Z=26 ,keeping same calculation in mind we have complied list of words which we often use in day-to-day life.
1) attitude 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100

2) acknowledge 1+3+11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 100
3) acquitted 1+3+17+21+9+20+20+5+4 = 100
4) analysis 1+14+1+12+25+19+9+19 = 100
5) annually 1+14+14+21+1+12+12+25 = 100
6) answerable 1+14+19+23+5+18+1+2+12+5 = 100
7) applying 1+16+16+12+25+9+14+7 = 100
8) appointed 1+16+16+15+9+14+20+5+4 = 100
9) asbestos 1+19+2+5+19+20+15+19 = 100
10) accumulate 1+3+3+21+13+21+12+1+20+5 = 100

11) automated 1+21+20+15+13+1+20+5+4 = 100
12) awfully 1+23+6+21+12+12+25 = 100
13) backtracking 2+1+3+11+20+18+1+3+11+9+14+7 = 100
14) bandwagons 2+1+14+4+23+1+7+15+14+19 = 100
15) beetroot 2+5+5+20+18+15+15+20 = 100
16) blissful 2+12+9+19+19+6+21+12 = 100
17) borrowed 2+15+18+18+15+23+5+4 = 100
18) boundary 2+15+21+14+4+1+18+25 = 100
19) boycott 2+15+25+3+15+20+20 = 100
20) browser 2+18+15+23+19+5+18 = 100
21) carpenter 3+1+18+16+5+14+20+5+18 = 100
22) cherishing 3+8+5+18+9+19+8+9+14+7 = 100
23) chimpanzee 3+8+9+13+16+1+14+26+5+5 = 100
24) clinically 3+12+9+14+9+3+1+12+12+25 = 100
25) clockwise 3+12+15+3+11+23+9+19+5 = 100
26) clotting 3+12+15+20+20+9+14+7 = 100
27) colleagues 3+15+12+12+5+1+7+21+5+19 = 100
28) collecting 3+15+12+12+5+3+20+9+14+7 = 100
29) colonials 3+15+12+15+14+9+1+12+19 = 100
30) companion 3+15+13+16+1+14+9+15+14 = 100
31) congress 3+15+14+7+18+5+19+19 = 100
32) corridor 3+15+18+18+9+4+15+18 = 100
33) courses 3+15+21+18+19+5+19 = 100
34) cousins 3+15+21+19+9+14+19 = 100
35) culture 3+21+12+20+21+18+5 = 100
36) decremental 4+5+3+18+5+13+5+14+20+1+12 = 100
37) decrypted 4+5+3+18+25+16+20+5+4 = 100
38) delivery 4+5+12+9+22+5+18+25 = 100
39) depletion 4+5+16+12+5+20+9+15+14 = 100
40) designers 4+5+19+9+7+14+5+18+19 = 100
41) diagonally 4+9+1+7+15+14+1+12+12+25 = 100
42) digestive 4+9+7+5+19+20+9+22+5 = 100
43) discipline 4+9+19+3+9+16+12+9+14+5 = 100
44) dockyards 4+15+3+11+25+1+18+4+19 = 100
45) dominates 4+15+13+9+14+1+20+5+19 = 100
46) elephants 5+12+5+16+8+1+14+20+19 = 100
47) elsewhere 5+12+19+5+23+8+5+18+5 = 100
48) empathetic 5+13+16+1+20+8+5+20+9+3 = 100
49) evolves 5+22+15+12+22+5+19 = 100
50) excellent 5+24+3+5+12+12+5+14+20 = 100
51) explains 5+24+16+12+1+9+14+19 = 100
52) explodes 5+24+16+12+15+4+5+19 = 100
53) extendible 5+24+20+5+14+4+9+2+12+5 = 100
54) extracted 5+24+20+18+1+3+20+5+4 = 100
55) eyecatching 5+25+5+3+1+20+3+8+9+14+7 = 100
56) fatherhood 6+1+20+8+5+18+8+15+15+4 = 100
57) filtering 6+9+12+20+5+18+9+14+7 = 100
58) finalising 6+9+14+1+12+9+19+9+14+7 = 100
59) glimpses 7+12+9+13+16+19+5+19 = 100
60) governs 7+15+22+5+18+14+19 = 100
61) helplines 8+5+12+16+12+9+14+5+19 = 100
62) hospital 8+15+19+16+9+20+1+12 = 100
63) identifies 9+4+5+14+20+9+6+9+5+19 = 100
64) immature 9+13+13+1+20+21+18+5 = 100
65) imported 9+13+16+15+18+20+5+4 = 100
66) impotence 9+13+16+15+20+5+14+3+5 = 100
67) inadequacy 9+14+1+4+5+17+21+1+3+25 = 100
68) inapplicable 9+14+1+16+16+12+9+3+1+2+12+5 = 100
69) incubating 9+14+3+21+2+1+20+9+14+7 = 100
70) inefficient 9+14+5+6+6+9+3+9+5+14+20 = 100
71) inflation 9+14+6+12+1+20+9+15+14 = 100
72) innovate 9+14+14+15+22+1+20+5 = 100
73) insecticide 9+14+19+5+3+20+9+3+9+4+5 = 100
74) intellect 9+14+20+5+12+12+5+3+20 = 100
75) interfaces 9+14+20+5+18+6+1+3+5+19 = 100
76) interfere 9+14+20+5+18+6+5+18+5 = 100
77) irritate 9+18+18+9+20+1+20+5 = 100
78) judiciary 10+21+4+9+3+9+1+18+25 = 100
79) keyholes 11+5+25+8+15+12+5+19 = 100
80) kingsize 11+9+14+7+19+9+26+5 = 100
81) landscaping 12+1+14+4+19+3+1+16+9+14+7 = 100
82) lightning 12+9+7+8+20+14+9+14+7 = 100
83) likelihood 12+9+11+5+12+9+8+15+15+4 = 100
84) lubricant 12+21+2+18+9+3+1+14+20 = 100
85) maintains 13+1+9+14+20+1+9+14+19 = 100
86) matchmaking 13+1+20+3+8+13+1+11+9+14+7 = 100
87) mourns 13+15+21+18+14+19 = 100
88) negotiated 14+5+7+15+20+9+1+20+5+4 = 100
89) performed 16+5+18+6+15+18+13+5+4 = 100
90) personal 16+5+18+19+15+14+1+12 = 100
91) primary 16+18+9+13+1+18+25 = 100
92) printer 16+18+9+14+20+5+18 = 100
93) problems 16+18+15+2+12+5+13+19 = 100
94) producer 16+18+15+4+21+3+5+18 = 100
95) profuse 16+18+15+6+21+19+5 = 100
96) progeny 16+18+15+7+5+14+25 = 100
97) publicly 16+21+2+12+9+3+12+25 = 100
98) pumpkin 16+21+13+16+11+9+14 = 100
99)punctate 16+21+14+3+20+1+20+5 = 100
100) pursue 16+21+18+19+21+5 = 100
101) quarter 17+21+1+18+20+5+18 = 100
102) roommate 18+15+15+13+13+1+20+5 = 100
103) selective 19+5+12+5+3+20+9+22+5 = 100
104) services 19+5+18+22+9+3+5+19 = 100
105) session 19+5+19+19+9+15+14 = 100
106) shattered 19+8+1+20+20+5+18+5+4 = 100
107) shooter 19+8+15+15+20+5+18 = 100
108) sightly 19+9+7+8+20+12+25 = 100
109) simulate 19+9+13+21+12+1+20+5 = 100
110) standards 19+20+1+14+4+1+18+4+19 = 100
111) stanzas 19+20+1+14+26+1+19 = 100
112) starfish 19+20+1+18+6+9+19+8 = 100
113) status 19+20+1+20+21+19 = 100
114) stress 19+20+18+5+19+19 = 100
115) suffocated 19+21+6+6+15+3+1+20+5+4 = 100
116)telegrams 20+5+12+5+7+18+1+13+19 = 100
117) telephone 20+5+12+5+16+8+15+14+5 = 100
118) tetanus 20+5+20+1+14+21+19 = 100
119) therefore 20+8+5+18+5+6+15+18+5 = 100
120) thirty 20+8+9+18+20+25 = 100
121) thumbnail 20+8+21+13+2+14+1+9+12 = 100
122) toilets 20+15+9+12+5+20+19 = 100
123) useless 21+19+5+12+5+19+19 = 100
124) utensil 21+20+5+14+19+9+12 = 100
125) variety 22+1+18+9+5+20+25 = 100
126) whenever 23+8+5+14+5+22+5+18 = 100
127) whiskey 23+8+9+19+11+5+25 = 100
128) wholesale 23+8+15+12+5+19+1+12+5 = 100

By : Dharmesh Patel

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